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Remembered Voice: Reclaiming the Legacy of ‘Neo-Orthodoxy’

By Douglas John Hall
WJKP. 1998. 145 pp. Pb. $18.
ISBN 0-664-25772-0


It was in this order. I first read Tillich's Dynamics of Faith. Riveting. Next came The Courage to Be. Gripping. Then I went back and read the first volume of the Systematic Theology. Things began to make sense. Next came Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality. Positive.

Then the remaining volumes of Systematic Theology as soon as they appeared. Opening an ordered system to God. Then the sermons. Pungent, but less demanding. Then came On the Boundary: An Autobiographical Sketch. Points of identity. I picked up Kegley and Bretal's collection of critical essays and pored over it. He had me.

People nowadays put NASCAR drivers' numbers on their pick-ups. I took a different path. I wrote to Tillich's...

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