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Heart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men

By Joan D. Chittister

Eerdmans. 1998. 187 pp. $20
ISBN 0-8028-4282-8

Reviewed by Freda Gardner


If you are a feminist, female or male, you will find convictions and new insights resonating deep in your being. You will also be challenged to think through again the broader and deeper dimensions of life lived on the basis of feminism rather than the patriarchy that has so long dominated the culture of much of the world.

The Dynamic Congregation

By Robert H. Ramey Jr.

Chalice. 1999. Pb. 139 pp. $15.99 ISBN 0-8272-0626-7

Reviewed by William Hawkins


Out of his "25 years of pastoral work, 16 years of teaching ministry in a theological institution and more than 200 seminars with churches and judicatories," Robert Ramey offers congregations the distilled essence of his considerable wisdom.

Putting the Amazing Back in Grace

By Ann Weems
WJKP. 1999. 112 pp. $14.95. ISBN 0-664-22150-5

Reviewed by Jane C. Perdue


Pay attention, lay people, ministers and Christian educators! Putting the Amazing Back in Grace is another Ann Weems collection of poems to use in reflection, preaching and teaching!

Mustard Seed Versus McWorld: Reinventing Life and Faith for the Future

By Tom Sine
Baker Books. 1999. 249 pp. Pb. $14.99. ISBN 0-8010-9088-1

Reviewed by Elizabeth Dodson Gray


Watchman, tell us of the night,
What its signs of promise are.

-- Advent season hymn

It is seldom that we find a Christian preacher or writer like Tom Sine, who can stand like an Old Testament prophet on the parapet of the city and tell us of the present and the future without losing his own footing in the Christian faith.

Here I Am Lord, Now What? Transition and Survival in the First Parish

TAS2TE of Ministry Inc. $24.95

Reviewed by Edward A. White


The big problem is that theological seminaries do not and probably cannot fully prepare people for parish ministry. Seminaries can provide theology, Bible, church history and certain skills training in homiletics. They can give attention to the spiritual and emotional development of the person.

The Covenanted Self: Explorations in Law and Covenant

By Walter Brueggemann
Fortress. 1999. 148 pp. Pb. $18. ISBN 0-8006-3176-5

Reviewed by Paul K. Hooker
Executive Presbyter, St. Augustine Presbytery


Anyone who has read the work of Walter Brueggemann knows that he is a radical, in the true sense of the word. Impatient with worn-out ideologies (either liberal or conservative) that have lost touch with the text, Brueggemann is eager to confront his readers with the transforming power of Scripture.

Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology

By Gordon W. Lathrop

Augsburg Fortress. 1999. 236 pp. Pb. $29. ISBN 0800631331

Reviewed by Deborah A. McKinley


Gordon Lathrop's book, Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology, voices fresh thoughts in the sometimes cacophonous conversations about contemporary ecclesiology. Holy People is a reflection on the meaning of "church," working from the conviction that the church's identity arises from the One the church worships -- the Triune God.

The Divided Church: Moving Liberals and Conservatives from Diatribe to Dialogue

By Richard G. Hutcheson Jr. and Peggy L. Shriver

InterVarsity. 1999. 224 pp. Pb. $12.99 ISBN 0-8308-2223-2

Reviewed by Lewis S. Mudge


This is a rich and nuanced study of voices on both sides of the well-known right-left division of American Protestantism, with special emphasis on the PC(USA). Richard Hutcheson and Peggy Shriver personally represent the "evangelical" and "liberal" wings of the church, respectively.

Presbyterian Polity for Church Officers

By Joan S. Gray and Joyce C. Tucker

Geneva. 1999. 204 pp. Pb. $17.
ISBN 0-664-50018-8

Reviewed by James E. Andrews


The third edition of Presbyterian Polity for Church Officers by Joan Gray and Joyce Tucker is an improvement of a resource that has been essential for Presbyterian leaders since it first appeared in 1986.

