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O God, We Hear of Suffering (A hymn-prayer for Nepal)




ST. CHRISTOPHER (“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”)

O God, we hear of suffering of people in Nepal;
There, mountains trembled, valleys shook and rocks began to fall.
From city streets, the cries of grief rise up to hills above;
In all the sorrow, pain and death, where are you, God of love?

A woman sifts through rubble, a man has lost his home,
A hungry, orphaned toddler sobs, for she is now alone.
Where are you, Lord, when thousands die — the rich, the poorest poor?
Were you the very first to cry for all that is no more?

O God, you love your children; you hear each lifted prayer!
May all who suffer in that land know you are present there.
In moments of compassion shown, in simple acts of grace,
May those in pain find healing balm, and know your love’s embrace.

Where are you in the anguish? Lord, may we hear anew
That anywhere your world cries out, you’re there — and suffering, too.
And may we see, in others’ pain, the cross we’re called to bear;
Send out your church in Jesus’ name to pray, to serve, to share.

Tune: Frederick Charles Maker, 1881 (“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”)  (MIDI)
Text: Copyright © 2015 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email:     New Hymns:

An MP3 recording of the hymn, by soloist Roger Cooper and pianist Lydia Bak, is available on the Limestone Presbyterian Church web site.

Permission is given for local church use to help Church World Service, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, UMCOR, or other members of the ACT Alliance. Please consider making a donation to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance relief efforts in Nepal.
