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The Call to Nineveh

In many ways the response to the General Assembly's call for Unity in the Midst of Diversity conferences is like Jonah's response to God's call to go to Nineveh. He did not want to go, neither do many of us. From what little evidence is available, it seems safe to say only a small portion of our presbyteries are planning Unity in the Midst of Diversity conferences.

Wile E. Coyote or the Roadrunner

That's the question I have been asking all my pals since I read the wonderful article in Sunday's paper by Henry Allen. He is a professor at the University of Maryland. In his honors seminar on meaning and culture he asks students with whom they identify in those classic cartoons: Wile E. Coyote or the Roadrunner?

A Response to the Continued Membership Decline

As the church continues to focus on the shadow of the circling "membership" vulture, I would make a radical but potent proposal dealing with growth:

1. Focus on average attendance, rather than membership, for appraisal of growth or decline.

The Balkanization of the Presbyterian Church

I fear for the soul of our church. I fear because I believe I am seeing a fundamental premise of our polity thwarted, with a resulting fragmentation and conflict that may tear us asunder.

The fundamental premise to which I refer is that a person will always vote his or her conscience.

It is the PC(USA) that needs reviewing

I am writing in response to the recent article, "Women's Ministries program area review to go beyond survey responses." Having served as Associate Director of Women's Ministries Program Area [WMPA] for the past three years, and having until May 15, 2000, before my term is officially ended, it is time for me to speak out and resist the continuing abusive words and violent actions directed toward my colleagues in women's ministries, and ultimately, directed toward all women.

Watch Out!

In baptism every parent promises to bring up a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  The Greek term for nurture is paideia, which was really a dynamite word for the Hellenes, especially those who were kept in the Attic.  One needs only to mention the magisterial three volumes of Werner Jaeger's study of that topic.  Paideia was the unlocking key to the glory that was Greece.  It means the intentional transmission of values and may be translated as civilization, culture, education, nurture and tradition.

In the Big Inning

Baseball is, of course, a biblical game because we are taught "the homer shall be the standard measure" (Ezekiel 45:11, RSV).  Jesus was looking for the diamond when he asked, "Where are the nine?"  (Luke 17:17)  Baseball is congenial to Christians because it is played in green pastures and often beside still waters (in Pittsburgh, however, we can cross three rivers to get to the park).

Throwing in the Towel

Our son Gary was born in a hospital connected with the prison where his mother was serving time for grand theft.  With a birth weight slightly more than three pounds, Gary could whimper softly but was too weak to cry for his first year on Earth.  We were told Gary would never walk because to his mental retardation was added cerebral palsy affecting all four limbs.

The Center Findint Its Voice

Is the center -- the 75-80 percent of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) between the theological/ideological ends of the spectrum -- finally finding its voice? The actions of the 212th General Assembly which recently concluded in Long Beach, Calif., indicate a new self-consciousness on the part of the great majority of Presbyterians and new possibilities for moving forward in faithfulness to our calling.

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