22nd Sunday after Pentecost — October 24, 2021
Mark 10:46-52 Ordinary 22B; Proper 25 Thanks to this week’s guest writer! John Wurster is pastor at St. Philip Presbyterian Church in..
John Wurster is pastor at St. Philip Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas.
Mark 10:46-52 Ordinary 22B; Proper 25 Thanks to this week’s guest writer! John Wurster is pastor at St. Philip Presbyterian Church in..
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
Mark 3:20-35 Pentecost 2B; Proper 5 After a couple of months of presenting passages from the Gospel of John, the lectionary returns..
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
Acts 8:26-40 Easter 5B We often speak about life as a journey, a road that we travel. As we go, we are..
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
John 18:1-19:42 The Passion of Jesus as told in John’s Gospel presents a host of characters playing seemingly small roles as the..
John 13:1-17 Time in this pandemic year has been weird and indefinite. Days run together, and weeks pile up amorphously. In contrast,..
Matthew 11:15-19, 25-30; Romans 7:15-25a Ordinary 14A; Proper 9 This week we are grateful to pastor John Wurster for providing a guest..
This week we are grateful to pastor John Wurster for providing a guest lectionary reflection. Genesis 21:8-21; Romans 6:1b-11; Matthew 10:24-39 Ordinary..
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