In this lesson, children will explore John 20:19-31 noticing the connection and call Jesus offers in his words to his disciples days after his resurrection.
This lesson centers on a traditional hymn, “Jesus Christ is Risen Today.” By singing, exploring and responding to this hymn, children can rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection.
In this lesson, children will explore Mark 11:15-19 noticing what Jesus says the Temple is meant to be. Then, they will wonder about the relationship between Jesus’ words and the church of today.
In this lesson, children will explore the story of God’s covenant with Abraham and they will wonder about connections between their faith family and this old, old story.
In this lesson, children will explore the story of God’s covenant with God’s people through Noah and will consider what God’s promise to never again destroy creation means.
In this lesson, children will explore one of the healing stories in the Gospel of Mark noticing how a helping hand can bring a measure of wellness to someone who is unwell.
In this lesson, children will explore Psalm 111 and use it as a springboard and guide for recognizing God’s work in the world and the call to express thanks for all that God does.