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Katy Shevel is the associate pastor for congregational life at Wayne Presbyterian Church, a vibrant congregation in Wayne, Pennsylvania. She also teaches as an adjunct for the Theology Department at Eastern University. In her spare time, Katy enjoys being a dog mom, writing, and stumbling upon a delightful conversation.

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Katy Shevel briefly explores the historical meaning of Epiphany in the Eastern and Western churches, as well as the use of Star Words in modern Protestant congregations.

What is Advent?

When did Advent start? Why decorate with purple? When did the Advent wreath become popular? Katy Shevel answers all these questions and more.

Choosing our seasons

Rev. Katy Shevel processes her recent divorce through the lens of Ecclesiastes 3. Are we subject to the patterns of life? Or do we have agency in naming our own “seasons”?
