Webinars Archives - The Presbyterian Outlook https://pres-outlook.org/category/ministry-resources/webinars/ News and Articles from the The Presbyterian Outlook Wed, 11 May 2022 07:59:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://pres-outlook.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/outlook-logo.svg Webinars Archives - The Presbyterian Outlook https://pres-outlook.org/category/ministry-resources/webinars/ 32 32 An evening with the Outlook: Meet the candidates standing for moderator https://pres-outlook.org/2022/04/an-evening-with-the-outlook-meet-the-candidates-standing-for-moderator-2/ Mon, 25 Apr 2022 15:03:31 +0000 https://pres-outlook.org/?p=77589

90-minute webinar
June 9, 2022, at 7 p.m. EST
On-demand replay will be available after the live event for those who register.

Register for “Meet the candidates”

For years, the Presbyterian Outlook has created a space for commissioners and the public to meet those standing for moderator. It’s an opportunity for us to share what’s been going on at the Outlook,

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Being church amidst madness: Supporting caregivers of people with serious mental illness https://pres-outlook.org/2022/03/being-church-amidst-madness-supporting-caregivers-of-people-with-serious-mental-illness/ Wed, 23 Mar 2022 13:39:08 +0000 https://pres-outlook.org/?p=95428

60-minute webinar with Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, a professor, pastor, and author, recorded on April 26 at 7 p.m. EST including a presentation and Q&A.

April 26, 2022, at 7 p.m. EST

On-demand replay is available.

Purchase a recording of  “Supporting caregivers” — $10 for individuals, $20 for groups

In the U.S., the burden of caregiving for people with serious mental illness is placed upon the family members,

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Organizing church: Creating change and moving toward congregational vibrancy in a time of turmoil https://pres-outlook.org/2022/02/organizing-church-creating-change-and-moving-toward-congregational-vibrancy-in-a-time-of-turmoil/ Mon, 14 Feb 2022 15:47:19 +0000 https://pres-outlook.org/?p=93908

90-minute webinar with educators, organizers and faith leaders Angela Cowser, Dan Rhodes, and Tim Conder including a presentation and Q&A

March 31, 2022, at 7 p.m. EST

On-demand replay is available

Purchase a recording of Organizing Church — $15 for individuals, $30 for groups

Based on our own experience of over 20 years in ministry and community organizing, this webinar describes how the practices of organizing can be regenerative for congregations.

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Photography as a spiritual practice https://pres-outlook.org/2021/11/photography-as-a-spiritual-practice/ Tue, 16 Nov 2021 13:29:20 +0000 https://pres-outlook.org/?p=90836 Photography as a spiritual practice
60-minute webinar with Jonathan C. Watson including a presentation and a Q&A

The Westminster Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) suggests that the “Chief end of humanity is to seek God and enjoy the Lord forever.” Photography provides a unique opportunity to capture and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation, glimpse the image of God and enjoy this magnificence forever.

In “Glimpsing imago Dei: Photography as a spiritual practice,”

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Holy Imagination + Race: How the Church Can Be a Healing Force in America’s Racial Divide https://pres-outlook.org/2020/07/holy-imagination-race-how-the-church-can-be-a-healing-force-in-americas-racial-divide/ Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:56:28 +0000 https://pres-outlook.org/?p=79932

September 15
90-minute Presbyterian Outlook webinar
Presented by Kerry Connelly
Sponsored by Presbyterian Publishing — Free of charge to participants

View the replay of the webinar here.

There is no denying what history makes clear: Systemic racism in America is deeply entwined with the history of the institutional church. Even today, the church must look at our complicity — which at times has been overt,

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When grief moves in: Pastoral care for grief and COVID-19 through stories https://pres-outlook.org/2020/05/when-grief-moves-in-pastoral-care-for-grief-and-covid-19-through-stories/ Fri, 15 May 2020 18:08:20 +0000 https://pres-outlook.org/?p=77349 90-minute Presbyterian Outlook webinar
Recorded May 28, 2020
On-demand replay 
Presented by Mindy McGarrah Sharp

As 2020 has unfolded, grief has moved into lives, families and communities around the globe. Grief has also moved into the life of faith in new and complicated ways.  While specialized grief counseling with trained therapists remains vitally important, the need for short-term everyday griefwork is also huge.  Narrative methods for griefwork – grieving through the help of stories – is a form of pastoral care that anyone can lead and engage.

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Wise Debt! https://pres-outlook.org/2017/10/wise-debt/ Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:51:32 +0000 http://presoutlook.wpengine.com/?p=60879 This webinar has finished.  For more about PILP, visit: http://pilp.pcusa.org/

This webinar will present strategies and tools for determining if, when, why and how much a church should borrow.

Used strategically, debt can be a valuable tool for churches wishing to expand their mission and ministry. Understanding when – or if – a congregation should consider assuming debt is the key to successful debt management. Jim Rissler and Clare Lewis with The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Investment &

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The Hesitant Herald: Why Preachers (and Stewardship Committees!) Hate Talking About Money and What to Do About It https://pres-outlook.org/2017/05/hesitant-herald-preachers-stewardship-committees-hate-talking-money/ Wed, 03 May 2017 21:22:59 +0000 http://presoutlook.wpengine.com/?p=57651 A complimentary 90-minute LIVE webinar
This webinar took place on June 13, 2017
Sponsored by Stewardship Kaleidoscope
Presented by Karl Travis

Pastors are preachers, administrators, counselors, project managers, meeting moderators and so much more. Among these roles many pastors report that fundraising is their least favorite. Likewise, stewardship committees are staffed with generous stewards willing to give, but unsure how to encourage others to do likewise. Why is that?

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How to Survive a Church Building Project https://pres-outlook.org/2016/08/pilp-webinar/ Tue, 09 Aug 2016 20:12:21 +0000 http://presoutlook.wpengine.com/?p=54044 A complimentary 60-minute LIVE webinar
Tuesday, September 13 at 2:00 p.m. ET (11:00 a.m. PT)
Presented by the Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program

Building projects create excitement as congregations envision new ministry possibilities. Along with the excitement comes anxiety. Is this the right time for our congregation to consider this project? What is the best way to get started? Can we really afford a project of this size? How will we pay for the project?

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Top 10 Financial Mistakes Churches Make (and How to Fix Them) https://pres-outlook.org/2016/03/top-10-financial-mistakes-churches-make/ Mon, 28 Mar 2016 13:52:34 +0000 http://presoutlook.wpengine.com/?p=52013 A 90-minute webinar presented by Eric Heinekamp
Recorded March 24, 2015

Click here to purchase the on-demand replay – $29.95 (1-6 participants)
Click here to order the DVD – $43.95 (free shipping) 

Church finances are unique and challenging. Issues like housing allowance, medical insurance, taxes, endowments and charitable contributions are complex – and yet are often managed by volunteers and staff with little training. Church finances are becoming even more bewildering as costs steadily increase while membership and giving remain flat.

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