Do what is helpful (November 26, 2023)
"For any of us to be right, all the rest do not have to be wrong. Always more important than being right is being loving," shares Ted Foote Jr.
Rev. Ted V. Foote, Jr., currently serves as interim/transitional pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Sherman, Texas.
"For any of us to be right, all the rest do not have to be wrong. Always more important than being right is being loving," shares Ted Foote Jr.
If we believe God’s faithfulness is creating new life within each person, then pressuring others to conform to a particular version of faith fails to honor the Spirit, writes Ted Foote, Jr.
Looking at 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 and Romans 13:8-12, Ted Foote, Jr. reflects on the relationship between the law and love.
Looking at Acts 15:1-21 and several pieces of related Scripture, Ted Foote, Jr. notes that God calls us to have open hearts.
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