He structures his book according to what he understands the New Testament to claim are the four basic functions of a congregation that is truly an authentic community of the Holy Spirit: Fellowship, Service, Proclamation and Celebration (p. ix). Two chapters are written on each of the four functions, concluding with a ninth chapter that purports to demonstrate how these functions can connect in small groups. Throughout the book,...
The Dynamic Congregation
By Robert H. Ramey Jr.
Chalice. 1999. Pb. 139 pp. $15.99 ISBN 0-8272-0626-7
Reviewed by William Hawkins
Chalice. 1999. Pb. 139 pp. $15.99 ISBN 0-8272-0626-7
Out of his "25 years of pastoral work, 16 years of teaching ministry in a theological institution and more than 200 seminars with churches and judicatories," Robert Ramey offers congregations the distilled essence of his considerable wisdom.