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Good News in Exile: Three Pastors Offer a Hopeful Vision for the Church

By Martin B. Copenhaver, Anthony B. Robinson
and William H. Willimon

Eerdmans. 1999. 116 pp. Pb. $12. ISBN 0-8028-4604-1

Reviewed by Angela L. Ying, Seattle, Wash.


In a word, it is a gift. Martin B. Copenhaver, Anthony B. Robinson and William H. Willimon's book, Good News in Exile: Three Pastors Offer a Hopeful Vision for the Church, is a genuine gift to the church. Unlike other "gifts" where we get exactly what we ask for, where there are no surprises, and where we know what to expect, Good News in Exile offers the church -- and thus offers us, as people of faith -- one of those rare gifts.

To be receivers of such a gift, we have to open the book, to read it with new eyes, new minds, new hearts, and to let go of past assumptions that no longer hold true in the church we have come to love.

Copenhaver, Robinson and Willimon invite us to learn a new language and to claim an identity as Christian people in a culture that is "sometimes friendly, most often indifferent and sometimes actively hostile" (p. 81). These three...

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