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Creation and Reality

By Michael Welker

Fortress. 1999. 102 pp. Pb. $13.
ISBN 0-8006-2628-1

Reviewed by Walter Brueggemann


Michael Welker, Heidelberg University, is only now becoming known and visible in the United States, both through his publications and his extended residency at Princeton Seminary. He is emerging as a major force in Reformed theology, perhaps destined to be the dominant German figure in Reformed theology as was JŸrgen Moltmann before him.

The present small volume is a collection of six essays he has written in a major reconsideration of creation as a theological theme. Two convictions propel Welker's understanding of the issue. First, he is attentive to the emerging interface with science in an important reconsideration of what creation is, with reference to new knowledge and with a concern for environmental issues. Second, he is aware that very much theological thinking has...

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