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Rachel’s Cry: Prayer of Lament and Rebirth of Hope

By Kathleen D. Billman and Daniel L. Migliore
United Church. 1999. 174 pp. Pb. $18.95. ISBN 0-8298-1353-5

Reviewed by Fane Downs
Midland, Texas


We live in a time of increased interest in things spiritual -- practices, techniques and theologies -- many sincere, some shallow. Our days are marked, moreover, by suffering and awareness of evil in our midst -- manifested in ethnic cleansing, wars, school shootings, family violence, etc.

The authors of Rachel's Cry address the problem of coping with personal suffering and systemic injustice by using psalms of lament. Their central thesis is that the proper use of prayers of lament can bring a rebirth of hope.

Kathleen Billman, professor of pastoral theology and counseling at Lutheran School of Theology, and Daniel Migliore, professor of systematic theology at Princeton Seminary, offer a clear and concise study, of interest...

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