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Hopeful Realism: Reclaiming the Poetry of Theology

By Douglas F. Ottati

Pilgrim. 1999. 134 pp. $14.95. ISBN 0-8298-1322-5

Reviewed by James G. Kirk


If you are looking for a book to use this fall with your adult education class, look no further! This is a wonderful resource that lends itself to an eight-week class on "How a Church Can Engage the World."

What's more, Ottati has already field-tested most of the material. As he explains in the acknowledgments, "The chapters of this book began as lectures at churches, colleges, seminaries and ministers' associations."

Ottati begins with three guiding convictions: theology works with the church's poetry, such as symbols, images and patterns found in Scripture, tradition and life, that clarify life in its true depth and circumstance. ...

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