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The Spectacle of Worship in a Wired World: Electronic Culture and the Gathered People of God

By Tex Sample

Abingdon. 1998. 141 pp. Pb. $18.
ISBN 0-687-08373-7

Reviewed by Stanley R. Hall


Tex Sample's volume on electronic culture and Christian worship is popular in the best sense: it is clear, concrete, accessible and not too long. Believe Leonard Sweet's book cover blurb: "It's the next best thing to Tex Sample live!"

With his own mix of socio-cultural criticism and well-honed illustration, Sample describes the electronic culture that has been taking shape since the Second World War and the cultural practices that influence the generations alive today. He steps up to the mark to sketch a transformed Christian worship that takes seriously, with neither undue anxiety, nor inappropriate trust, the sounds and rhythms and cultural skills of "Boomers,...

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