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Praising God: The Trinity in Christian Worship

By Ruth C. Duck and Patricia Wilson-Kastner
WJKP. 1999. 207 pp. Pb. $22. ISBN 0-664-25777-1

Reviewed by Gene Huff
San Francisco


"The Trinity are a grammar problem," according to an answer once noted on a theology exam. The authors of this remarkably useful book suggest it has too often also been a worship problem and they assume the task of showing how we can more adequately speak to and about the Trinitarian God in worship.

In a graceful yet persistent manner they affirm the Trinity as central to Christian worship while insisting that the language used in worship to speak about the Trinity should be gender-inclusive. As they successfully prove both aspects of their case, the result is an invaluable resource for liturgists, pastors, seminarians and all who think seriously about Christian worship.

This fine work is the result of collaboration by Ruth C. Duck, well...

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