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Telling the Truth: Preaching about Sexual and Domestic Violence

John S. McClure and Nancy J. Ramsay, eds.
Cleveland. United Church Press.1998. 162 pp. Pb. $15.95
ISBN 0-8298-1282-2

Reviewed by Gail A. Ricciuti


This challenging book, a collection of essays emerging from a 1997 Presbyterian Consultation on Preaching and Sexual and Domestic Violence, may be the most helpful resource available on preaching with integrity in the face of the violence that, often invisibly, permeates our congregations.

Editors John McClure and Nancy Ramsay, faculty members at Louisville Seminary, have drawn together a rich trove of theological and biblical perspectives, pastoral guidance for "telling the truth" to perpetrators and "bystanders" as well as survivors, and reflections on homiletic practice -- with six sermons modeling ways the pulpit can be a locus of faithful and compassionate resistance.

This is a volume of theology and practice, inclusive...

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