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2019 Advent devotions (Year A)



Purple-church Advent: Devotions for the congregation

Are you looking for theologically sound, inspiring and affordable Advent devotions for the congregation?

The Presbyterian Outlook is once again offering accessible and inspiring daily devotions for Advent. This year the focus is on the purple of Advent for the church.

About these devotions:
In recent years the color purple has been used as a short-hand way to describe a place or institution that is a mix of people with left- and right-leaning politics. The phrase “purple church” denotes caution: Be careful in preaching and teaching, in small group discussions and fellowship hour conversation because we are a “purple church.” Opinions vary and tensions are high, so tread lightly. But what if instead we in the church stopped adopting the language of politics and instead intentionally used the language of our faith? What if, for us, purple equaled preparation, praise, penitence and the divine power made known to us in Jesus Christ?

As many congregations adorn the sanctuary with purple paraments and banners, could we focus on what that liturgical color symbolizes for Christians and seek to live accordingly? Using the epistle readings appointed in the lectionary for Advent as our touchstones, these devotions will invite you to consider what purple means for disciples of Jesus Christ: preparation for the birth of Jesus and the return of Christ, praise for the one true God who creates and sustains us all, penitence for all the ways we fall short of the glory of God and divine power for the graciousness of God who becomes incarnate for the sake of the world.

How do they come?
Download the PDF, print as many as you need and insert them into your weekly worship bulletin. Written by Outlook editor Jill Duffield, each week includes a reflection, daily Scripture readings, suggestions for living out the Bible and a short prayer for each day. We hope these devotions enhance your Advent preparations as you get ready for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Your purchase includes a bulletin-insert sized PDF (prints on a half-page regular sheet of paper) and a large-print (full-page) version.  You have permission to print as many copies as needed for your use. Color and black-and-white versions included.
