Major changes coming in PC(USA) special offerings after #GA226 action
The offering number was reduced from four to three and moved to cause-based instead of program-based beneficiaries.
John A. Bolt is a long-time ruling elder who has served at all levels of the denomination. He currently lives in Morgantown, W.Va. Facebook/Instagram/Threads: @jboltwv; Blog: .
The offering number was reduced from four to three and moved to cause-based instead of program-based beneficiaries.
Commissioners also OK’d ‘focused engagement’ with GE, Palantir over military operations.
The finance committee recommends selling government debt of countries involved in long-term military occupation, as requested by the commissioners' resolution.
The Financial Resources Committee sent the recommendation to the full assembly for consideration next week.
The finance committee recommends the assembly approve "focused engagement" techniques with GE and Palantir in efforts to end the companies’ military equipment and AI surveillance production.
13th Amendment still allows slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for people who are incarcerated.
Three PC(USA) bodies unanimously recommended “Unifying budget” to upcoming GA.
Unification Commission co-moderators describe efforts halfway through the combining PMA and OGA.
Nassau Presbyterian Church and Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church work to build trust that has been missing since 1840.
With the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly's approval, the Presbyterian Historical Society's mission statement now emphasizes: “Collect, Preserve, Share, Transform.”
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