Spirit of service endures: Engaging with local ministries at #GA226
Presbytery of Utah provides multiple opportunities for mission and ministry in the spirit of the discontinued Hands and Feet initiative.
Greg Allen-Pickett serves as the senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Hastings, Nebraska.
Presbytery of Utah provides multiple opportunities for mission and ministry in the spirit of the discontinued Hands and Feet initiative.
Newly elected co-moderators delight the assembly with their custom, symbolic stoles.
The Presbytery of Utah steps up to host the 226th General Assembly in Salt Lake City with energy, creativity and joy.
Those gathered in Salt Lake City, and watching online, begin the plenary work of General Assembly with reflection and song.
The decision to have no exhibit hall for the General Assembly in Salt Lake City sparks strong reactions. Greg Allen-Pickett reports.
GA attendees are encouraged to worship with local churches.
The Israel/Palestine Mission Network group calls for ceasefire in Gaza and bears witness to violence during their trip.
Young Adult Advisory Delegates presented a gift to the co-Moderators, and the assembly ended with the same prayer it started with, acknowledging that there is work to be done.
Commissioners affirmed a wide swath of resolutions from the Ministry Coordination Committee on LGBTQIA+ issues, gender-inclusive language and diverse families. They concluded with a proposal for a hybrid 226th General Assembly.
GA Plenary 13 decided the reelection of Moffett and the Board of Pensions’ relationship to the Office of General Assembly among other business.
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