First Presbyterian Church in Dixon, Illinois, is hiring.
Creating and curating trustworthy resources for the church, the Presbyterian Outlook connects disciples of Jesus Christ through compelling and committed conversation for the proclamation of the Gospel.
First Presbyterian Church in Dixon, Illinois, is hiring.
The Outlook GA reporting team visited several Presbyterian churches on Sunday morning, along with other commissioners.
First Presbyterian Church in York, Nebraska, is hiring.
Celtic Cross Church in Citrus Heights, California, is hiring.
The First Congregational United Church of Christ in Ocala, Florida, is hiring.
Proposals include recognizing March 31 as Transgender Day of Visibility.
One overture asks the assembly to advocate for amending the US Constitution.
First Presbyterian Church in Santa Rosa, California, is hiring.
First Presbyterian Church of Barre, Vermont, is hiring.
The Associated Church Press seeks proposals for the provision of executive director services to our professional organization.
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