Throw the anchor (June 23, 2024)
Amanda Shanks writes about Hebrews 6:9-20.
Amanda Shanks is a licensed clinical mental health therapist, specializing in reproductive and maternal mental health, and a student at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she is a two-time Clark Scholar for Excellence in Greek Language and Excellence in Greek and Hebrew Exegesis. Amanda enjoys reading, teaching, photography and sitting down with friends over a really good meal.
Amanda Shanks writes about Hebrews 6:9-20.
Amanda Shanks reflects on Paul and church conflict.
How does knowing Christ lead to boldness, asks Amanda Shanks?
Amanda Shanks reflects on Colossians, suffering and hope.
At a young age, Union Presbyterian Seminary student Amanda Shanks felt a call to ministry. Having no model for female leadership in the church, she ignored it until two years ago. What changed?
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