Outlook Standard Lessons A messianic priest-king (April 13, 2014) Scripture Passage and Lesson Focus: Jeremiah 23:5-6; Zechariah 6:9-15: John 19:1-7 People often say that hindsight is 20- 20. Events seem to be much..
Outlook Horizons Studies God’s way is possible (Horizons 9) Lesson 9 — Deuteronomy 30 B.J. is 6 years old, shy and cute as a button. He likes to hide just ahead..
Webinar Replay Unsettling Leaders: Why Would We Follow? For years, we have participated in conversations about leadership—a desire for better leaders, more entrepreneurial leaders, adaptive leaders. Too often, our conversations..
Webinar replays Protected: Webinar replay: Preaching the Easter Sermon This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password:
Outlook Standard Lessons Jesus cleanses the temple Uniform lesson for April 6, 2014 Scripture Passage and Lesson Focus: Mark 11:15-19 At times the prophets of Israel called attention to their..
Outlook Standard Lessons The humble king Uniform lesson for March 31, 2014 Scripture Passage and Lesson Focus: Matthew 21:1-11 By ancient or modern standards, a ruler who enters a..
Outlook Standard Lessons Worthy is the Lamb Uniform Lesson for March 23, 2014 Scripture Passage and Lesson Focus: Revelation 5:1-13 Even the majestic cadences of Handel’s chorus “Worthy is..
Outlook Standard Lessons Peter’s Pentecost sermon (March 16, 2014) Uniform Lesson for March 16, 2014 Scripture Passage and Lesson Focus: Acts 2:22-32 Making a good speech to an appreciative audience is..
Outlook Horizons Studies The problem with waiting Lesson 8 — Exodus 32:1-24; 34:1-6 The fellowship hall was full of people from 90-year-olds to babies. The adults were having a..
Webinar Replay What’s coming to the 2014 General Assembly? A "heads-up" webinar for Presbyterians The 221st GA: An Overview Featuring Jack Haberer, Editor What issues will be capturing the headlines during..